By purchasing any of our products, the customer assumes the responsibility that the item is the one indicated in terms of color, style, size, finish, etc., so we ask you to carefully read the characteristics and specifications of the product before placing your order, and if you have any questions, please send us an email to:

For this reason and due to the nature of our products, ARTHEMISA WILL NOT MAKE changes and/or refund the amount paid in any case.

After you have completed the purchase and made the payment, it will not be possible to cancel an order.


When packing a product, ARTHEMISA makes sure of its quality, that is why your item has a certificate of authenticity (it comes when you receive your purchase) that guarantees your product against any manufacturing defect, however, in case of any, the product will be replaced by an equal or equivalent one, or in its case by credit in the store.

For this reason and due to the nature of our products, ARTHEMISA WILL NOT MAKE changes and/or refund the amount paid in any case.


  • To make the guarantee effective, the customer will have a period of 30 days from the purchase.
  • It is necessary to have the certificate of authenticity in order to validate the guarantee.
  • The damaged accessory will have to be returned to ARTHEMISA, (which will cover the shipping costs), and once the damaged product is received, the guarantee process will continue.

* The presence of imperfections in natural leather, such as marks, variations in tone or other halos of slightly contrasting dyes, in no case constitute a defect, on the contrary, it is the guarantee of the authenticity and quality of the leather.

If your product has a manufacturing defect, please contact us by writing to attaching the photo of your certificate and the damage to the accessory, as well as a telephone number where we can reach you if necessary.

Once the email is received, the specific case will be analyzed and if it is a manufacturing defect, we will locate it to explain the change process.